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Long Dog Tag Necklace Chain

The long beaded ball necklace chain is used to wear the first dog tag around your neck.  The second dogtag, on the short dog tag chain, hangs from long chain to complete a full military dog tag set. Our dog tag necklace chain is made of T304 jewelry grade stainless steel, is 24” – 610mm long, and is made in the USA.

Dog tag beaded ball chain comes complete with a ball chain connector on the end. To use this feature place the last ball of the beaded chain into the connector slot and pull until it snaps in.

Chain necklace can also be used for name tag badge and ID card holders, ticket pouches, and used by law enforcement as police badge holders.

Dog Tag Chain History:

The original dog tags issued by the Red Cross during the Spanish –American War were worn around the neck on a leather thong cord. Before World War One the leather was eventually replaced by cloth tape cord to wear the dog tags and these cloth tapes lasted into World War Two. During the war the cloth tapes and woven rayon cords were eventually replaced by Monel (an alloy made of nickel and copper) metal bead chains which, unlike the cloth tape, were fire resistant. After World War 2, the Monel dog tag chains were gradually replaced by the standard military issue stainless steel beaded ball chain used by us and the military today.

Made in USA Made in the USA

24" Stainless Steel Dog Tag Necklace Chain

Long Dog Tag Chain

$1.00 each

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